Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It happened, it actually happened

If I may speak for my generation, I may say that Barack Obama has saved us from apathy. He has saved us from not believing. He has saved us from the cold realizaiton that nothing we do matters. He has saved us from the night a couple of years ago, when I was struck by a group of my peers sitting around a campfire saying that neither political party had a shred of difference between them.

And this is all essential to saving America. If the smartest, savviest, most practical, most educated generation of all time gave up on America, what hope would be left for the world? If my friends, if my family, if my generation had given up on a united purpose, a call to public service, a belief in making this world just a little better than we had found it, what hope would be left? If we are all in this together, this global stew of races and ages and religions, who would lead it if not America? Who would lead it if not Barack Obama?

If Barack Obama has inspired us all to be poets, and to shed a tear on behalf of a world we had given up on in the past, has he through that alone already accomplished his purpose? Or is it just the beginning of what we must accomplish, if we are to leave the world better than we have found it?


Momama said...

Bravo, bravo, beautifully said. I'm so proud of you and so thankful. It's a new day.

C. M. Keel, Sr said...

Your word here really spoke to my heart. I first read them in an article written by your father in the church newsletter. I can only hope that your insight and perspective on this historical election is indicative of our youth in this country, who are the future leaders of our world and nation.

God bless and I look forward to reading you blog post on a regular basis.

Christopher Keel, Sr