A timely message:
"What more than you have so far learned will you need to know in order to live at home? (I don't mean "home" as a house for sale.) If you decide, or if you are required by circumstances, to live all your life in one place, what will you need to know about it and about yourself? At present our economy and society are founded on the assumption that energy will always be unlimited and cheap; but what will you have to learn to live in a world in which energy is limited and expensive? What will you have to know - and know how to do - when your community can no longer be supplied by cheap transportation? Will you be satisfied to live in a world owned or controlled by a few great corporations? If not, would you consider the alternative: self-employment in a small local enterprise owned by you, offering honest goods or services to your neighbors and responsible stewardship to your community?"
1 comment:
I saw and met Wendell Berry at a pastor's school at Duke a couple of years ago. A great and wise man, who most of the country has ignored, to its own peril.
But the wisdom he represents is perennial and permanent, and will rise again.
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