Monday, September 22, 2008

Now to totally disagree with what i just said....

The previous post was about the correct solution to the economic crisis after reading economic blogs.

After reading Digby, the correct solution seems dangerous. Why? Because the republicans are likely to pull the biggest and most cynical bait and switch of all time. Have Paulson and Bush propose the bailout, get the Democratic Congress on board, and then have McCain and the Republicans vote against it and rail about the big government liberals bankrupting the country. It would allow McCain to separate himself from Bush. It would put Obama and Bush in the same boat and play off the anger of Americans. Would the Republicans be this terrible? I think so.

Somehow the Democrats have to do what they can to make this a bipartisan bill and make Republicans vote for it, while still making it a good bill. I don't know if that is possible.

I know Dad has pledged to keep his blog from descending into name-calling, but if the Republicans are willing to plunge our country into crisis, and then totally absolve themselves from the consequences while playing games with a trillion dollars like its some political football, there will be no name vile enough for them.

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