Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cheney is F-ing Crazy

As we come closer to the merciful end of the Bush Administration, more stories are starting to leak out. If you watched the Daily Show last night, Barton Gellman was talking about his new book about Cheney. The Washington Post is running excerpts from the book, and its high drama.

People have said all along, maybe half-jokingly, that Cheney was the real president. Turns out this was no joke. When the FBI Director and basically the entire Justice Department, led by James Comey, were about to resign rather than continue Bush's illegal surveillance program, Cheney kept Bush in the dark. Cheney would have allowed mass resignations to occur without Bush's knowledge. Only at the last minute did Bush decide to talk to Comey, realize what was about to happen, and fix the surveillance program so that the Justice Department would certify that it was legal.

I've got two questions:

How the hell did Bush not fire Cheney after that kind of insubordination? (I guess the answer is that Bush knew he was totally incompetent, and without Cheney would have been totally unable to govern)

If the surveillance program we eventually found out about was scary, how scary was the previous surveillance program that the conservative lawyers at Justice would not even approve?

Bonus third question: when will we ever find out? Once Bush leaves office, will the people who know start to sing?

1 comment:

Carl Lindquist said...

I'm not sure a President can fire his Vice-President, once they're elected. Perhaps he can only resign or be impeached?